Customer analysis and lead scoring using AI and machine learning

AI and machine learning in B2B sales provide better customer insights and lead scoring

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10 min

Niklas Ritter

Marketing Manager
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Are you using AI and machine learning effectively in your B2B sales processes?

If this question makes you scratch your head, don't worry. You're not alone. It is a new and complex field and there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. And just because you're not using AI in sales yet doesn't mean that your sales are lagging behind.

But it's worth thinking about. AI and machine learning can optimize processes to get answers from data and boost sales in B2B sales. That may seem intimidating, but you certainly don't need a doctorate in computer science to get started with AI in sales.

How can AI and machine learning be used in B2B sales?

It's pretty subjective and depends on the company, sales cycles, and customers. Some use AI for lead scoring, others for prescriptive analytics to be used in the sales process. And for many, it's likely to be a mix of multiple applications.

Companies that use AI and machine learning effectively in their sales processes often report on:

  • Improved lead scoring and qualification
  • Increased pipeline management efficiency
  • Improved customer interaction and personalization
  • Greater insights into customer behavior and needs
  • Increased sales productivity and turnover

Here are some practical tips to help you get started with the topic.

Understanding customers better

Have you ever had the feeling in sales that you're groping in the dark when it comes to correctly assessing a customer's needs? Or that sales success is based more on gut feeling than you might want to admit?

Machine learning can help to get a clearer picture of all accounts. It can analyze customer data, identify patterns, and provide insights into customer behavior and needs. Like a detective who digs through all customer data 24/7 and can put together a complete picture of your customer. With this knowledge, sales can be equipped with sales alerts and better respond to the needs of your customers.

Lead scoring

Have you ever caught yourself following leads that come to nothing? Or maybe you missed out on the big deal because it didn't look promising at first glance?

That's where AI comes in. Analyze data points from various sources, rank leads according to their probability of conversion, and help steer sales to where the chances of success are greatest.

The whole thing is a bit comparable to a crystal ball in sales, which tells you where sales power should be used sensibly. And don't worry — there's no need to understand the details of such algorithms. Most AI tools are easy to use and provide clear insights that can be integrated directly into the sales strategy.

When implementing AI and machine learning in sales processes, huge potential is activated. Even if it looks complex at first glance, tools like acto can now be set up “plug and play” on your CRM system. This also gives traditional B2B sales teams an easy start and can benefit from AI and machine learning in sales. So what are you waiting for?

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